Thursday, September 8, 2011

Gastronomy in the city of Dubai

At Dubai the visitors enjoy International gastronomy from Asian to American and European to Indian. Comparatively Dubai offers cosmopolitan cookery and cannot be considered as a spot to enjoy traditional cookery because it’s a land of diverse cultures and hence a land with multiple tastes and dishes.
home4 300x106 Gastronomy in the city of Dubai

Visitors can enjoy the world-class cookery at every restaurant and hotels that includes French, Italian, Swiss, German and British recipes. There are Mexican and American dishes that are served in most of the hotels. Hotels located at the Asian areas provide with Thai, Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Korean and Indian foods. But the local people who live at Dubai prefer Arabian foods of the Middle East such as Syrian, Iranian and Lebanese food.
There are other hotels such as Moroccan, Persian, Turkish, Pakistani, Filipino and Indian restaurants, which compliment preferences of the local people. The Bedouin traditional banquet consists of dates, dried fish, camel milk and camel meet. Lebanese meals are usually served with pickles, Arabic bread and fresh salads. Rice dishes that are served spicy along with lettuce, yogurt, cabbage, onion and tomato are the major attraction for Iranian cooking.
There are many food festivals and events that are organized at Dubai all through the year along with competitions and caucus that have made a boost up for the gastronomical industry. But these days there are many schools that boast of the Arabic food and it’s special features.
Local cuisines that are sold at Dubai hotels involve ingredients that are imported mainly from Asia such as turmeric, almonds and cinnamons.

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